Yes, it’s Muggy. Here’s Why.

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With the North Bay and all of central California  experiencing unusually muggy, hot weather, many people are asking what’s going on.  The simple answer is that our region is being squeezed between two dynamic weather forces.

As you can see in today’s satellite view, a potent August weather front is passing into the Intermountain West in the upper right of the picture.

The front may be moving away but it’s left a very moist airmass in its wake.

Check out this satellite image…showing atmospheric water vapor.  The trough of low pressure has pushed moist air way down into California.

The white colors show moisture levels like you’d normally see in Hawaii or the Midwest in the summertime.  More than 200% of normal for us.  The drier air has essentially been pushed out of California.


Combine this with warm air caused by high pressure extending into California from the desert Southwest, and you have the recipe for hot and muggy weather…very unusual for us at this time of year.

But, hang in there. It’ll get better by the weekend.  Here is the loop of moist air in the atmosphere.  As you can see, the deepest moisture is moving away.

Still, by sometime next week the remnants of a tropical storm may move into the area…bringing back muggy conditions.  That warm moist air shows up at the end of the loop below.

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