Stop the Bans Rally draws Hundreds in Support of Abortion Rights

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Hundreds of North Bay protesters converged on Santa Rosa’s Courthouse Square Tuesday afternoon, to rally against what they view as an assault on reproductive freedom.

The North Bay rally was part of a larger nationwide event called Stop the Bans Day of Action, a response to the state of Alabama’s enactment last Wednesday of a near total ban on abortion across the state. In addition to Alabama, a handful of other states have also recently enacted new restrictions on abortion, or are planning to do so.

Dozens of pro-choice and human rights organizations including the ACLU, Move On, and Planned Parenthood organized similar rallies in dozens of states as a protest to the new laws.

In Santa Rosa, protesters waved signs in front of passing motorists on Third Street, and speakers denounced the new state laws as an attack on women’s rights and human rights.

Event organizer Leslie Graves told News of the North Bay that the rally was designed to send a message that Californians stand with pro-choice protesters in Alabama, and all other states where the new, more restrictive laws have been passed.






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