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At a news conference on Monday, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced that Stay at Home orders would be lifted immediately in the Bay Area, San Joaquin and Los Angeles regions.

The move was prompted say officials by four week projections showing the available ICU capacity in all areas rising above 15%, which was the trigger for the stay at home order.

In Sonoma County that means a return to the Purple Tier, which allows outdoor dining and outdoor activities at businesses like zoos, gyms, wineries, movie theaters, museums and places of worship. It also allows limited outdoor social gatherings to take place between up to three households.

Sonoma County’s available ICU capacity has remained higher than that of the Bay Area, but both have been improving rapidly in the last one or two weeks. Although the case rate, hospitalizations and ICU capacity numbers have improved, Sonoma County’s case rate and positivity rates must improve before it can move on from the Purple Tier and allow more widespread business and social activity to resume.

The county’s numbers and those of the Bay Area have generally mirrored California as a whole, where the peak of cases, hospitalizations and positivity occurred in early January, and has been improving since that time.

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