Kincade Fire at 10000 Acres and Growing

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The Kincade fire east of Geyserville has now consumed 10000 acres and is still growing.

As of 7 a.m. the community of Geyserville and all areas to the immediate east of there including east of Highway 128 are under mandatory evacuation. There is so far zero containment reported.

According to aerial surveys the fire is growing mostly to the North and East toward Highway 175 in lightly populated areas.

A few hundred people in mostly rural areas have been evacuated however an evacuation warning remains in effect for approximately 1700 residents in rural areas north and east of Healdsburg.

The fire is reported to have crossed Highway 128 in one location at Moody Lane.

At day break Cal Fire will begin to attack the flames by air. Evacuation centers have hosted a few dozen people at the Healdsburg Community Center and Windsor High School.

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