Cool, Overcast, Drizzly through Holiday Weekend

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We can expect periods of sun inland, but the main weather highlight through Memorial Day weekend across the North Bay will be cool, cloudy weather. Coastal stratus will push far inland each evening, with drizzle at times along the immediate coast.

At midday Thursday you can see the coastal stratus layer extending well inland across the North Bay, Bay Area and Monterey Bay.

This is all being caused by a persistent low pressure trough over California, which is enhancing the the depth and inland push of the marine layer.

The pressure setup is creating a strong onshore flow across most of coastal California.

Temperatures near the coast and across the inland North Bay will average a few to 10 degrees below normal into early next week.

And it may stay cool. The current forecast brings a cutoff low over the Bay Area on Monday, bringing more cool weather, a strong marine stratus layer, and drizzle along the coastline.

Looking further ahead, the global ensemble models see low pressure continuing for at least a week (potentially longer) over California and much of the West, with the likelihoold for cooler than normal temperatures persisting into the first week of June.


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