Stormy Weekend Ahead. Up to 1 1/2 Inches for North Bay.

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Our cool and blustery spring continues this weekend, with two storms due to arrive over three days, bringing all of Northern California a big shot of rain and snow.

You can see the storms lining up near Alaska.

Rain should begin in the North Bay on Saturday morning, spreading south.  The first storm is less powerful than the second one which is due to arrive on Sunday, but should drop about a half inch across Sonoma County.

By early Sunday, the next organized storm system will ramp up rain once again across Northern California.  This one is bigger and colder than the first, and will bring significant rain and mountain snow into midday Monday.  It will feel like a mid-winter storm.

Total rainfall amounts by Monday will be impressive for April.  Perhaps an inch and a half in total for most of Sonoma County, and 2 inches plus in the usual wet spots across the North Bay.

And snow, lots of it, will fall in the Sierra.  A bit difficult for skiers to hear, but all of this April is still very welcome news for our water supply, boosting the Sierra snowpack by up to 3 feet after a relatively dry winter.

And, looking further ahead, the outlook to mid-April still looks wetter than normal for most of California and the West.


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