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A series of storm systems will take aim at Northern California and the Pacific Northwest over the the next 5 days, as a strong zonal jet stream sends disturbances into the West Coast.

Storms will sweep into the North Coast every 18 to 36 hours over the next five days. Although the North Bay will be at the southern edge of the storms, we should get rain from each one.

Disturbances are likely late Wednesday night, late Thursday night, late Friday night and also on Sunday. There will be sun breaks at times, but mostly rain.

Each storm that arrives will be progressive, meaning it will move through rather quickly leaving us a half inch to inch each time.

By Monday, the rainfall totals may look something like this. Perhaps two to three inches across the North Bay with more in the hills, up to 5 inches there. And, much more to our north along the Mendocino and Humboldt coasts and much less to the south in the Bay Area.

Of course this rain will fall over a five day period, so no single-storm deluges are expected. Still, if you’ll be out and about or driving during Christmas Week, you’ll want to take along an umbrella.

Looking further ahead,the early New Year’s forecast is pretty good. Both New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day look mostly fair, with even some sun possible on the 1st as high pressure builds back along the West Coast, at least for a couple of days.

We’ll have more updates to come.

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