Rain Chances Dwindling for Upcoming Weekend
As the upcoming storm system approaches, the chance of significant rain across the North Bay this coming weekend continues to dwindle.
The latest forecasts indicate that although Sonoma County may receive showers on Saturday, the heaviest wetting rains will likely stay well to our north. This is a flip flop from model forecasts from a day or two ago, which were much more bullish on rain across our region.
As of Wednesday afternoon, the European model had gone from a forecast of a half inch or more in forecasts issued Tuesday, to mostly dry this weekend, and the other major models were following suit.
Below are the latest European, GFS (American) and Canadian deterministic model runs for rain across Northern California.
We will continue to keep you updated, especially if these conditions change. However it now seems increasingly likely that the North Bay will have to wait a bit longer for the first real rains of the season to arrive.

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