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California was once again heating up Wednesday as high pressure builds back into the state.


High pressure will build in through Saturday, compressing the marine layer.

The ebb and flow of the high pressure ridge will keep our temperatures generally 5-10 degrees above the late July average, or between 90-97 across inland areas of the North Bay through the weekend, and into next week.

Here are forecast highs across Norcal for Saturday, and the moderate heat should continue through next Wednesday. Continued hotter than average for July, but not as hot as our recent heatwaves. The immediate coast will stay cool.

The building heat will coincide with another surge of subtropical monsoon moisture into California, arriving in the Bay Area around Friday afternoon.

That will bringing increasing afternoon showers and thundershowers to the Sierra and other mountainous areas Friday and Saturday, but very little chance for us because of a stable atmosphere in our region. Still, the NWS puts the chance of widely scattered thundershowers accompanied by dry lightning at around 5% for our area. We’ll keep an eye on that.

Meantime, there is a fire weather watch out for Saturday for areas of California that are expected to see a better chance of thundershowers.

The main takeaway is that the building heat probably won’t be as severe as we saw earlier in July, but it will be long-lasting. Above normal temperatures appear likely to stretch into mid August. We’ll have more updates in the days to come.

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