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The models are still split, but there is a growing chance of some light rain reaching the North Bay by this coming Saturday. This would be in the form of yet another cold trough sliding down the West Coast.

The low could bring much cooler than average temperatures for early May, with highs strugging to reach 60 degrees on Saturday.

The European model was the first to spot this trend and the other models have now jumped on board. Depending on its track, the low pressure center could bring rain by early morning on Saturday. It may stay cool and showery through Sunday.

How much rain? Right now it’s all over the map and will likely change in the days ahead. Let’s go with the European model for an early look at the rain from Saturday into Sunday.

Right now it looks like just enough to wet things down a bit; not a lot for the North Bay. But you can see that NW California is forecast to get a good drenching. At this point the track of the low is expected to be north of us, but if it pushes further south there’s an outside chance of bigger totals. Stay tuned for updates.



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